Dance Fusion
Goku learned this during the five years between the end of the Cell Game and
before Gohan started school at Orange Star High School. As the name suggests,
the requirement for this of fusion is to have the two people perform a dance,
making a mirror image of each other, then fusing, and resulting in a new
warrior, who has the attributes and strength of the two warriors who formed the
new one combined. When performed successfully, the newly formed warrior will be
significantly stronger and faster. There are other requirements and conditions,
of course.
The two warriors must be similar in size, build, and power. Especially power!
They have to be almost exactly the same power, but this usually isn't a major
problem, since most of the Goku-tachi can control and manipulate their power
levels, so the stronger fighter just needs to lower his/her power to match that
of the weaker.
The dance must be performed correctly for a successful fusion. Any minor mistake
in the dance can result in a defective fusion (Like to fat or too skinny). The
fusion will last for only 30 minutes, by which time both of the fighters will
return to their normal state, but there doesn't appear to be a way to end a
fusion before this 30 minute time limit. After a fusion ends, the two fighters
must have a restoration period of one hour before the fusion dance can be
performed again.
Earring (Potora) Fusion
The fusion technique of choice for Kaioshins which time forgot...Potora. This
technique is allegedly hundreds of times better than the Dance Fusion. For
fusion to occur, two warriors only need to wear the earrings of a Kaioshin. As
always, there are some conditions.
A set of real Kaioshin earrings.
The two fighters involved in the fusion must wear the earrings on each other's opposing ear.
Each person can only have one such fusion in a lifetime.
The effects of the fusion is (supposed to be) permanent. (Note that while this fusion was supposed to have been permanent, its properties seem to wear off under unexpected conditions, like being inside the body of a magical being...)